This week (September 1–7) is National Child Protection Week, which reminds us all to play a part in creating safe and nurturing environments for all children in Australia. “National Child Protection Week is an opportunity to shine a light on the issue and promote the work that is being done." - New South Wales Minister for Families, Communities and Disability Services, The Hon. Gareth Ward.

At the national launch of the Every Child campaign on August 27, member organisations called on governments to think big about promoting the wellbeing of children and young people in Australia.

‘We want governments to initiate the most significant and valuable nation-building project that has ever been undertaken – the Every Child National Wellbeing Commitment. The best national foundation any country can have is healthy, safe, well-educated children and young people who are confident in themselves and their future.’ said Dr Kirsty Nowlan, Executive Director, The Benevolent Society, Co-Chair, Every Child Campaign.

The campaign aims to build a broad movement that engages service providers, parents, young people and community leaders in achieving 7 headline targets for action.

  1. Increase by 20% in 10 years the number of children who are developmentally ‘on track’ in their first year of full-time school.
  2. Reduce the number of children in out of home care by 20% in 10 years.
  3. Eliminate the over-representation in rates of notification of child abuse or neglect of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in 10 years.
  4. Increase by 20% in 10 years the number of children and young people from low income families living in stable and affordable housing.
  5. Increase by 20% in 10 years the investment in early support and prevention as a proportion of overall child and family support service funding in regional and major cities across Australia.
  6. Reduce by 20% in 10 years the number of children and young people living in poverty.
  7. Reduce by 20% in 10 years the rate of youth suicide.

‘Our community and governments can think big so that children, young people and families get the right support at the right time. We encourage you to join the campaign’. Every Child Co-Chair Simon Schrapel, Uniting Communities, SA said.

Every Child and The National Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (NAPCAN) also hosted a breakfast event in Sydney to mark National Child Protection Week, at which New South Wales Minister for Families, Communities and Disability Services, The Hon. Gareth Ward delivered a keynote address.
“Child protection is everyone’s business,” said Mr Ward.

“Families, communities, the Government and non-government sector all have a responsibility to keep children safe and help them thrive." 

Join the Every Child movement today by signing up at