DfE Early Intervention Support Referral (SA only)

Early Intervention Support for Children Transitioning to Kindy or School

DfE refers to Department of Education and is a sub-set of funding through the South Australian Department of Education under the Children and Students with Disability Program Grants for non-government organisations.

Funding is administered on behalf of the Minister for Education by the Department of Education (DfE), and is part of the SA State Government education funding grants.

The Benevolent Society currently provides DfE funded services to a range of Early Learning Centres, Pre-schools and Kindergartens across metropolitan Adelaide, and in regional towns located in proximity to our offices in Port Pirie, Murray Bridge and Mount Gambier. 

If you have or know a child with a disability who would benefit from assistance, please complete this referral form. You may download and email the paper based version to [email protected]u or complete the digital form below.

To know how we collect, use and store your personal information, please see our Privacy Collection Notice.

You can also get more information about our processes in our Privacy Policy.

Student Details

Student details

Gender* - required
Gender - I use a different term
New Panel 1
Does the child identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander?* - required
State* - required

PLEASE NOTE: The Student must reside in SA government areas to proceed with this referral. If they do not reside in this area, please do not continue completing this form. If the child resides in QLD, please navigate to the NDIS Early Childhood Approach referral form: https://www.benevolent.org.au/referrals/ndis-eca-support-referral.

Is the client an NDIS participant? If yes, they are not eligible for DfE funding but can receive our services via NDIS. For an NDIS and all referral information please contact the TBS Support Centre (1800 236 762) or Email: [email protected]
Enrolment status: (select all that apply)* - required
NCCD status (If applicable):
General support needs* - required
Specific Intervention Support Services* - required
What supporting information is attached to this application? (If applicable)
Please ensure you have discussed this application form with parent/caregiver to prevent delay in services.
Mandatory field(s) marked with *