We want to hear from you
Your feedback and complaints helps us get better at helping everyday Australians. We’re ready to listen.
For information on where to send regulator correspondence and subpoenas, please go here.
For all feedback, please send an email to:
[email protected]
Or speak with a staff member or manager at The Benevolent Society. Please contact 1800 236 762 for guidance on who to speak to.
Your feedback and complaints are important to us. Understanding what we’re doing well, and where can do better helps improve the way we work with people, businesses and other organisations.
Everyone has the right to give feedback. We have clear processes to make sure you're heard. We're committed to continuous improvement and striving to always do better.
An easy read version of our complaints process can be found here: Feedback and Complaints Easy Read Version.
An easy read version for complaints related to Early Childhood Approach services can be found here: Feedback and Complaints Early Childhood Approach Easy Read Version.
How to give feedback or make a complaint
You can give us a compliment, raise an issue or make a suggestion or a complaint by:
- Speaking with a staff member or manager at TBS
- Sending us an email
- Completing a feedback form and giving it to a staff member, sending it to your local TBS office or to our national office.
All our staff can receive and respond to your feedback or issues. If they can’t deal with it themselves, or you're not satisfied with how it’s handled, they'll record it and make sure the right person responds to you.
If you’d prefer not to talk to your local office about an issue or feedback, you can contact our head office by:
- Visiting: 2E Wentworth Park Road, Glebe NSW 2037
- Writing to: Feedback & Complaints, PO Box 257, Broadway NSW 2007
- Emailing: [email protected]
Can I get help to give feedback or make a complaint?
Yes. We can help by:
- Arranging an interpreter or you can contact us through the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 13 14 50
- Writing out your feedback for you
- Communicating via the National Relay Service if you’re deaf, have a hearing or speech impairment. Visit The Australian Government National Relay Service.
Can someone else give feedback or make a complaint for me?
Yes. You can ask a friend or relative, or a community organisation to give feedback on your behalf. We protect your privacy by checking that you have given your permission.
What to include with your feedback or complaint
- Your name
- Your best contact details (eg phone number, email address, postal address) (phone, email or mail)
- What your feedback is about - eg. the name of the service, who was involved, what happened etc
- What you want to happen now
Can I give anonymous feedback?
Yes. But this may make it difficult to investigate if we can’t get more information from you.
What happens after I provide feedback or make a complaint?
We’ll let you know within two working days that we've received your feedback.
If you're giving a compliment, thank you! We'll make sure it’s passed on to the staff and their manager.
If you’re making a comment or a suggestion, we appreciate your advice. We’ll pass it on to the best TBS contact.
If you’re making a complaint, sometimes it can be resolved straight away. But we may need to ask you for more information, speak to our staff or other people involved.
We aim to finish looking into your complaint and get back to you within 28 days. If it's going to take longer, we’ll let you know. We take complaints seriously and we investigate them thoroughly.
Will I be treated differently if I make a complaint?
No. Everyone has the right to make a complaint. We welcome your feedback and deal with complaints professionally and openly.
What happens if I'm not happy with the outcome of my complaint?
You can ask for a review by a more senior person within TBS. This may be our client feedback manager or a member of our executive team.
You may be able to complain to an external complaint agency. You can do this at any stage of the complaint process, or if you’re not happy with our response.
A note on breach of human rights for residents of QLD
You can lodge a complaint to The Benevolent Society if you feel we have breached human rights. If it has been 45 business days since you made a complaint (less in exceptional
circumstances) and you haven’t heard from us,or if you were not happy with our response, you can lodge a complaint with the Queensland Human Rights Commission.
The Queensland Human Rights Commission contact details are listed below;