Stay independent and on your feet

April was Falls Prevention Month. With 1 in 3 people over 65 experiencing a fall every year, it’s important to be aware of the risk factors. Even if you’re not in a high-risk category, your neighbour, relative or friend might be. With 10% of falls resulting in serious injury, sharing this knowledge may save their life.

Stay active

Staying active is the most important thing we can do to stay well and independent in our own homes. When we move, we keep our muscles strong, joints mobile and maintain our sense of balance. Choose something you enjoy doing and do it regularly. Revisit a hobby from long ago or try something completely new like golf, tai-chi, yoga, lawn bowls, tennis or dancing.

Healthy eating

  • Eat regular, healthy meals throughout the day even if you’re not hungry, and keep your pantry stocked with long-lasting staples
  • Maintain your bone strength by getting enough calcium, Vitamin D and doing weight-bearing exercise
  • Drink enough water! Dehydration is a common cause of falls, because it makes you feel dizzy and weak

Check your medication

Some medications can make you drowsy or dizzy, with people who take four or more medication are at a higher risk of falling. Every six months ask your doctor to review your medication for side effects which increase your risk of falling, and don’t forget to include over-the counter medicines your doctor may not know about.

Fall-proof your home

Over 65% of falls occur in or around a person’s home – but you can make a big difference with a few small actions:

  • Keep walkways clear
  • Use higher wattage bulbs and nightlights so you can see where you’re going
  • Remove rugs, or ensure they’re secured with floor tape
  • Install handrails on stairs, in the shower and next to the toilet
  • Keep outside areas maintained and clear of rubbish or fall hazards
  • Put things you use often in easy to reach places
  • Wear close-fitting clothing so you don’t trip or get snagged
1 in 3 people over 65 experiencing a fall every year

Support to stay independent

Talk to us for support accessing your Home Care Package. As your Home Support Partner, we can help you arrange:

  • A home safety assessment and modification by an experienced occupational therapist
  • A nutrition plan by a qualified dietitian
  • A home exercise plan by an exercise physiologist (or a local community exercise class)
  • GP, optometry or audiology appointments

Call us on 1800 236 762 to find out more about the services listed above.