Information and Resources

We have an extensive body of knowledge and expertise on the effects of adoption across the life span; the process of accessing adoption records, finding and contacting family;  and managing post reunion relationships.

We have developed a wealth of Information and Resources for people affected by adoption; including people who have been adopted, parents who have lost children through adoption, adoptive parents, siblings, partners and others who have been separated from family. 

Resources range from Information Sheets on topics specific to people impacted by adoption; to videos and books, research, conference presentations, advocacy submissions and Best Practice Guides for health and counselling professionals.

Post Adoption News

Adoption Records

Searching in Adoption

Discovering you are adopted later in life

Contact and Reunion

Adoptive Parenting

Information for relatives of those impacted by adoption

Impacts of adoption

Intercountry Adoption

UK Adoptions

Integrating Birth Certificates 

Readings and Resources