Types of foster care

Children and young people can require care for differing lengths of times. Foster carers can look after children and young people for few nights, a few weeks, months or until a child reaches adulthood and beyond.

Immediate or crisis care

  • A few nights up to a few months until a child can return home or until a more suitable placement is identified. These placements are usually required at short notice.

Short to medium-term care

  • From a few months up to two years.
  • Often the focus is on providing a home for a child while their parents receive support to resolve issues. Some kids will return home or move in with extended family and others may need long term care.

Long-term care

  • If the child cannot return to live with their family they receive long term care until they turn 18 and often beyond.

Respite care

  • Respite care is for short, usually pre planned periods of time.
  • Respite carers might care for a child one weekend a month or for a few weeks during school holidays.
  • Respite carers offer a child the opportunity to develop additional positive relationships. 


Get in touch

We provide this service in Sydney, NSW.  

To register your interest in becoming a foster carer, submit this form.