Care finder services

Carer finder services consists of a team of experienced care connectors who are available to assist vulnerable older Australians to find, apply for and gain access to aged care services that are often difficult to navigate.

The services are provided at no cost as they are fully funded through Primary Health Networks.

Our skilled team are available to support people in:

  • understanding the types of support they may be entitled to receive.
  • talking to My Aged Care on their behalf and arranging an assessment .
  • attending and providing support during assessments and supporting to understand and complete applications and paperwork. 
  • finding suitable aged care providers in their area.
  • solving other challenges and connecting to supports in the community, such as housing and homelessness service, health services, mental health, drug and alcohol services, social supports and other community groups. 

Our care connectors are here to support eligible individuals that require intensive support due to one or more of the following reasons:

  • do not have a carer or support person they feel comfortable or trust to support them, and 
  • not have a carer or support person they feel comfortable or trust to support them, and
  • risk of homelessness, socially or financially disadvantaged. 
  • communication issues due to language or learning difficulties.
  • difficulty understanding information and making decisions.
  • will be in an unsafe situation if they do not receive services.
  • reluctance to engage with aged care or government.
  • have a disability, impairment or mental health concerns.

The Benevolent Society will work together with local health providers and community organisations to provide high level support and assistance to vulnerable members of the community. 

For more information about who can use care finder services, what help we can provide or to make a referral contact us on 1800 236 762 or email [email protected]

This service has been made possible by funding from: 

  • Central and Eastern Sydney Primary Health Network
  • Hunter New England and Central Coast Primary Health Network
  • Nepean Blue Mountains Primary Health Network 
  • South West Sydney Primary Health Network
  • Western NSW Primary Health Network

More information on care finder services can be found on the My Aged Care webpage Help from a care finder | My Aged Care.



Get in touch

We offer this service in parts of NSW.

To find out if you or someone you know is eligible for this service, call our friendly staff.