Search - Results

4 result(s) for 18 - 64 years

Filters applied [x]: Family & Child Connect (QLD) > Going Home Staying Home > Program > Family Preservation

  1. 1. Mental Health and Wellbeing Support Services - Mental Health and Wellbeing    Our team provides counselling and other support services to help maintain mental health and wellbeing.
  2. 2. Family & Parenting Information and Referral - Family & Parenting Support    Health professionals, government agencies and community service staff refer clients to our services or discuss the best options for families who need support.
  3. 3. Domestic and Family Violence Support - Family & Parenting Support    We’re here to prevent and support children, women and men experiencing domestic and family violence and homelessness.
  4. 4. Parent Coaching - Family & Parenting Support    Our coaching and advice focuses on practical ways to be a better parent, and includes phone and online sessions and programs.