Every older Australian deserves an independent and fulfilling life.

The new Charter of Aged Care Rights outlines the rights of people receiving Australian Government funded residential care, home care packages or other aged care services in the community.

From in-home health checks to garden maintenance, every aged care provider must comply with the new Charter.

Our commitment to the rights of older Australians

We take our commitment to older Australians and our aged care clients seriously.

From 1 July 2019, all our new clients are being asked to sign or acknowledge the Charter.

The Charter of Aged Care Rights

I have the right to:

  1. safe and high quality care and services;
  2. be treated with dignity and respect;
  3. have my identity, culture and diversity valued and supported;
  4.  live without abuse and neglect;
  5. be informed about my care and services in a way I understand;
  6. access all information about myself, including information about my rights, care and services;
  7. have control over and make choices about my care, and personal and social life, including where the choices involve personal risk;
  8. have control over, and make decisions about, the personal aspects of my daily life, financial affairs and possessions;
  9. my independence;
  10. be listened to and understood;
  11. have a person of my choice, including an aged care advocate, support me or speak on my behalf;
  12. complain free from reprisal, and to have my complaints dealt with fairly and promptly;
  13. personal privacy and to have my personal information protected;
  14. exercise my rights without it adversely affecting the way I am treated.

Helping you understand your rights

Your aged care provider must:

  • give you a copy of the Charter— before or when you start receiving aged care
  • help you understand your rights and what the Charter means in a way that suits your needs
  • sign the Charter — and give you the choice to sign it too
  • give you a copy of your signed Charter — whether you sign it or not.

Signing the Charter

Signing the Charter acknowledges you’ve received a copy and you’ve been supported to understand it and your rights.  You don’t have to sign the Charter for it to guarantee your rights, or to receive aged care services.

What we expect from you

Everyone has rights. So the Charter also sets clear expectations for the responsibilities of people receiving aged care services to provide respectful, safe and considerate environments.

What to do if your rights aren’t being met

It’s OK to speak up. We rely on your feedback to make our services and processes better. We’re listening and we will never treat you differently because of it.

It’s OK to complain. We have a complaints system in place to manage complaints fairly.

We’re proud to stand up for the rights of older Australians and support them to stay independent in their own homes for longer.